Tapestry Documents

Upload Word, Excel, PDF, or txt files to an easy to find area within Tapestry


The ‘Documents’ feature helps you, relatives, and your colleagues keep track of important information without the need for endless pieces of paper which can get lost or become out of date quickly.

The documents you upload can be separated into folders of your choice and will be automatically scanned for viruses. You can edit each file, its name, and its description at any point. You can also choose, on a file-by-file basis, whether they are visible to all relatives, relatives of specific children, or just staff.

There are lots of ways you might choose to use this feature, but here are a few of the most popular ones:

  • For policies and protocols
    • E.g. fire safety, child protection, data protection, safeguarding, and welfare
  • For planning documents
  • For resources parents might like to use at home
  • For school dinner menus and other provided food
  • For information about term dates and holidays
  • For documents regarding events


The 'upload documents' page. Sections include the file uploader, title, description, folder, and who can see it.


As always, this feature is available on all Tapestry accounts and can be turned on from within your control panel. To see what else Tapestry can do, take a look at our ‘Features’ page.

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Tutorials to help you get started with Documents