
For those of you who like to prepare days or weeks in advance

The Scheduling feature on Tapestry allows you to set the ‘publish’ date of activities, memos, and observations to one in the future.

That means your posts can be made visible to relatives when you want them to be, without you needing to log into your account on the day you want them to go out. Instead, you’ll be able to create your posts at a time that is convenient for you and know that they’ll automatically become visible to the families on your account at the time you’ve set.


Choosing a scheduled date


Scheduling can be used to great effect when combined with our Activities feature. Create new resources for your children and their families and then decide when to make these resources available, allowing you to plan as many activities as you like in one go but release them slowly.


Examples of scheduled activities.


Scheduling is also available for observations and memos so you might want to use it for sending out reminders; perhaps about school trips or permissions slips that need to be sent in.

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Tutorials to help you get started with Scheduling posts