
Organise your posts in the ways you want


Flags are sets of single words or phrases you can use to categorise your observations and reflections. You simply select the flag or flags you want to assign to the post when you’re making it, and use the Flags tab to find where you’ve selected it in the past.


The modal for a specific flag set (Motivation for Learning) is shown on screen. It includes several flag options e.g. Child led, Adult led, In the moment planning, and Child initiated. Other flag set titles are visible in the background.


There are a number of sets that have been created by the Tapestry team. Those include the ‘EYFS 2021’ flags which let you highlight when an observation or reflection is about a specific area of learning, and the ‘Play’ flags, which let you say when a post includes an example of a type of play (‘Free play’, ‘Construction play’, ‘Games with rules’ etc).


Full list of the premade flags available on Tapestry. They are split into sections; EYFS 2021, Description Flags, and Australia. There is also a collapsed section for 'Bespoke Flag Sets'.


We’ve added ones our education team would have found useful in their classrooms but you can create your own bespoke flag sets to help you categorise and find the type of posts you’re interested in, be that ones relating to specific topics, specific areas of your school or setting, or individual goals.

They’re easy to make and edit using our bespoke flags interface and completely flexible.


The interface for creating your own sets of flags. There are spaces for the title and a description, a colour picker so you can select which colour you would like your flags to be, then an area to add single or multiple flags.


There are no limits on flags – use them for whatever you think would be useful and assign as many as you like to each observation. They can be used on the browser and the apps and managers can set whether each set is visible to only staff on the account or relatives too.


Preview of an observation from the Observation list showing a child building a tower. There are notes explaining what the child was doing and visible flags for 'Resilience', 'Engagement Model', and 'Persistence'.


If you already have a Tapestry subscription you can see how to turn them on in our ‘Enabling flags’ tutorial.

If not, and you’d like to see how they work for yourself, take out a free, no obligation, two week trial.

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Tutorials to help you get started with Flags