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Tapestry for KS1 and KS2

A flexible and easy to use system to support parental engagement, evidence and monitor progress, and support learning in your school.


Throughout EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, Tapestry keeps everything in one place.

Enhancing Home-School Relationships

Developing and maintaining positive engagement with parents and carers deepens a class teacher’s knowledge about each child, enriching the teaching and learning experience. Children reveal different aspects of their learning at home and at school. Tapestry enables staff and families to share information and experiences to give a complete picture of a child.

Staying connected with individual families strengthens the school community as a whole. Tapestry’s Memos tool allows you to communicate with parents and carers, sharing news and updates including power point attachments, pictures and videos. You can also share information via our Documents feature, uploading resources, food menus, or term dates and event details to send to parents.

Monitoring Progress

Tapestry enables schools to record evidence of learning, follow pupil achievements and locate gaps across the National Curriculum subjects.

When making your formative assessments, you can quickly identify children who are demonstrating expected knowledge, skills and understanding, and see any children who are above or below expected attainment. This in-depth knowledge of the children allows teachers and subject leaders to monitor learning and plan next steps tailored to each pupil’s needs.

Remote Learning and Homework

Tapestry’s Activities feature allows you to deliver learning that can be done at home. You can take advantage of the Tapestry Activities Catalogue, populated with learning created by our education team, and allowing you to edit these to suit the needs of your children. In addition, teachers can plan and add their own activities which can be shared with children and their families. Any suggested learning experience can be provided for selected groups of children or for an individual child. In this way, teachers can respond to gaps in learning with bespoke activities to enhance children’s understanding and skills.

Parents and carers can communicate how their child responds to the home learning experience through observations and comments shared with teachers. Everything is linked together for easy reference.

Staff Wellbeing and CPD

Tapestry Reflections is a versatile tool which allows you to nourish your staff wellbeing, seeking and listening to their voices. It offers a secure place to share, discuss and curate individual staff and whole team experiences, questions, and projects. Whether it’s a subject leader sharing ideas about their subject area, or SLT collecting conversations about an aspect of the School Development Plan, Reflections allows you to keep these together in a reflective timeline.

Reflecting on their practice allows teachers to grow and improve professionally. Staff can use Reflections to record thoughts and if they wish, choose to share these with other team members, expanding their own professional learning and offering their own experiences.

Easy access to important whole-school information means less stress for everyone. Tapestry Documents allows you to store, organise and share policies, protocols, planning documents and other resources with your staff and relatives if required.


Tapestry is compatible with the Engagement Model and also offers two alternative frameworks for children working within the P scales. Our SEND framework provides additional small steps to compliment Development Matters, while Cherry Garden is a child-centred, non-linear tool that uses an interactive cherry orchard graphic to enhance parental engagement.

If you have any questions about Tapestry just get in touch by emailing
We’d love to talk to you!

If you’d like see these features for yourself, you’re welcome to a no obligation, free two week trial of Tapestry. It will include all the features you would get with a paid for account, the only limit is that you can have a maximum of 60 active children on the account for the duration of the trial.

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